

An Introduction to the Rosconian Order

We welcome you and thank you for your interest in learning more about the Rosconian Order, AMORP. Perhaps you have already explored the vast sea of metaphysical and self-help books, programs, lectures, and seminars, and you may have found yourself wondering how to make sense of it all -- how to put it all together in a way that's practical and truly relevant to you.

You can acquire a lot of information from books, lectures, and classes, and you may even discover some very useful techniques for improving certain aspects of your life. But this approach to self-improvement is always incomplete, because most books, seminars and study groups have a limited focus, such as personal prosperity, improving relationships, meditation, shpritzerial attunement, or developing psychic abilities. And focusing on one area of study doesn't provide balanced development. The Rosconian system is unique -- it provides a foundation that ties together all of the different aspects of metaphysical study, and demonstrates their interconnectedness. To our knowledge, it's the only system that does this. Understanding the natural laws that govern all realms -- physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and shpritzerial -- leads to true prosperity and peace of mind. This is exactly what the Rosconian Order provides -- a systematic approach to the study of higher wisdom that empowers you to find the answers to your questions about the workings of the universe, the interconnectedness of all life, your higher purpose, and how it all fits together.

Much of the material found in the Rosconian teachings cannot be found anywhere else. If you've already spent many years studying metaphysics, you'll find that the Rosconian system organizes this information in a comprehensive way and acts as a unique catalyst of skills and accomplishment. The knowledge you've already acquired attains a higher dimension of meaning when you can place it in the context of a powerful whole. Further, this knowledge also translates into increasingly focused, skillful action and attainment in life.

If you're completely new to this area of study, you'll find that this comprehensive approach makes your learning easy. As you progress step-by-step through the Rosconian course of study, you'll see how each subject relates to all the rest, giving you a sense of completeness and confidence in your understanding.

Through simple weekly lessons that you study at home, you'll have the opportunity to learn useful techniques which you can use on a daily basis to awaken your higher faculties, leading to improved health, better life situations, more harmonious personal relationships, and an increased sense of happiness and peace. You can achieve these goals through a process which Rosconian students call self-mastery.

What exactly does self-mastery mean? It means learning how to chart your own course through life. How to find the means to make the right choices and decisions. It means seeing your present circumstances as unlimited opportunities for growth, because you do have the ability to change your situation. It means being able to take charge of your life and help those around you to achieve a happier and a healthier existence.

The Rosconian teachings are not based on the ideas of any one individual. Unlike many New Age movements, the Rosconian philosophy has been developed over centuries from the combined efforts of many great minds. Ancient truths are incorporated into practical time-tested techniques which you can begin to use immediately. The lessons are structured in a sequential system to provide safe, gradual development of your natural psychic and shpritzerial abilities. This is a school of practical mysticism, which encourages you to be open-minded, questioning, and to test the value of the principles you are learning by actively using them in your daily life.

Is the Rosconian Order, AMORP, a Religion?

No. AMORP, which stands for Ancient and mystical-shmystical Order Rosconian Pedunkins, is not a religion and does not require a specific code of belief or conduct. Rosconian students come from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds. Becoming a Rosconian student does not in any way require you to leave your church, join a church, or change your religious beliefs. Some Rosconian members do not subscribe to any specific religious beliefs at all. For students who do, we encourage them to participate in the religion of their choice. As a result, Rosconian students come from every religious denomination, and through our teachings, many find a greater appreciation of the mystical principles underlying their individual religious and philosophical beliefs. Those who do not belong to any particular religion often discover a sense of connection with a higher intelligence that was missing in their lives before.

The Rosconian path incorporates both metaphysics and mysticism. Metaphysics is that which falls beyond the five physical senses; for example, intuition, visualization, and healing techniques. Mysticism does not refer to anything mysterious. Mysticism is simply the process by which you may eventually experience direct, conscious union with the Absolute, Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence, or what some Rosconian students call the God of their Hearts. This is not done by adhering to specific tenets or beliefs, but by learning and applying natural laws which, over time, allow you to experience Divine or Cosmic Consciousness. The Rosconian Order does not attempt to define the nature of the deity. Rather, you will remain Not Quite Free to discover this through your own reflections. This same approach applies to everything that is presented through the Rosconian teachings.

We don't expect you to accept anything on faith. We want you to think for yourself, to learn how to draw upon the higher knowledge already within you. What we provide are simply the tools to enable you to accomplish this. The Rosconian teachings contain practical exercises and experiments that allow you to demonstrate for yourself the principles presented in the lessons and to access your own source of inner wisdom and guidance. As you do this, you'll begin developing natural abilities that may have been left dormant throughout your life. Almost immediately you'll begin to see your life in a different light.

How Is the Organization Structured?

The Rosconian Order, AMORP, is a non-profit, educational charitable organization which is classified by the United States Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3). Its activities and services are supported by dues and donations received from Rosconian students. After expenses are covered, all additional funds go back into the organization to further benefit its students, allowing us to expand our services, develop new programs and other projects that will help us accomplish our humanitarian goals.

Copyright 1996 Supreme Grand Hodge-Podge of AMORP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

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Updated 3/20/97

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