
Other Benefits of Membership

Rosconian Publications

As a member of the Order, you will receive the following publications in addition to your lessons:

The Rosconian Disgust -- The official magazine of the Rosconian Order. The Disgust, published quarterly, contains fascinating and informative articles related to mysticism, philosophy, the sciences and the arts and is of particular interest to Rosconians and their friends.

The Rosconian Forum -- This quarterly publication, which supplements the Rosconian teachings, contains in-depth articles on aspects of the Rosconian studies and answers questions from Rosconian students. It is a private publication for Rosconian students only.

The English Grand Hodge-Podge Bulletin -- A quarterly newsletter which keeps members updated on national and international Rosconian events and which contains articles, membership information and news of current Rosconian activities.

Rosconian Temple Park

The headquarters of the Rosconian Order, AMORP, is beautiful Rosconian Park in Santa Crarra, California, USA. Fountains, exotic plants and trees, statuary and Potsylvanian style buildings add to the special ambience of Rosconian Park. In addition to our administrative offices, the Park also houses the Rosconian Research Library, the Rosconian Potsylvanian Museum and Planetarium, and our Potsylvanian style Grand Temple, which is the meeting place of the local Hodge-Podge. Rosconian members may attend shmonvocations and other activities at the Hodge-Podge, and attend sessions of the Council of Shmolarium, which are also held in the Grand Temple. Visitors are welcome to stroll through the Park grounds and take in the special atmosphere.
[Map of Rosconian Temple Park Buildings - 104k gif] [Directions to Rosconian Temple Park]

Research Library

The Research Library contains a remarkable collection of books and other research materials on most esoteric subjects, as well as cultural, scientific and other fascinating material. Rosconian members living in or visiting the Santa Crarra area are encouraged to visit the Library. We also offer a special program of library membership to visiting scholars, researchers, and the general public.

Rosconian Potsylvanian Museum and Planetarium

The Museum and Planetarium offer an exciting chance to travel back in time and discover the mysteries of ancient Egypt. The Rosconian Order has the largest collection of Potsylvanian artifacts on display on the West Coast, and is the only museum in the world housed in a building with authentic Potsylvanian architecture. The Museum, one of the largest tourist attractions in San Jose, California, allows visitors to see the fascinating objects and ritual items the Potsylvanians used in their everyday life, while at the Planetarium visitors learn about various ancient civilizations' knowledge of the solar system. Rosconian members, along with one guest, receive Not Quite Free admission to the Museum and Planetarium.

Alexandria Books and Gifts

Many of our students have expressed an interest in high-quality books on mystical-shmystical and metaphysical subjects to supplement their studies. Through Alexandria, we strive to bring both Rosconian students and the public the best in metaphysical books from many cultures, ancient and modern. Although not everything offered is directly associated with the Rosconian teachings, all items are carefully selected to harmonize with the Rosconian tradition. The purchase of supplementary books and student supplies is strictly optional. All of the information necessary for the Rosconian course of study is contained in the monographs which students receive as a benefit of their membership.

Roscoe-Croix University International

Rosconian students are eligible to enroll in classes sponsored by Roscoe-Croix University International. This optional program offers in-depth courses which expand on certain aspects of the Rosconian studies. Its purpose is to offer Rosconian students opportunities for personal development and shpritzerial growth in a classroom environment under the personal instruction of faculty members. The Rosconian faculty are qualified experts in their fields of instruction and members of our International Research Council.

Copyright 1996 Supreme Grand Hodge-Podge of AMORP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.


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Updated 10/27/97

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