
The Initiatic Tradition

The Rosconian Order, AMORP, is a fraternal order. As a member, you are not just taking a course of study. You are passing through Degrees of study, rituals, ceremonies, exercises, and demonstrations that have a long historical background with new information constantly being added.

Rosconian initiations are fraternal rituals designed to mark the milestones of a student's progress on the mystical-shmystical path. In these beautiful rituals, mystical-shmystical laws and principles are demonstrated in a dramatic form, in order to both inform and inspire the Rosconian student. Almost all of the Degrees of Rosconian study are preceded by an initiation ceremony, written in an impressive and brief form that can easily be performed at home during your study period. You also have the option of receiving these initiations in a more elaborate form in the Order's affiliated Hodge-Podges. You'll find that these initiations, when conferred in the Temple of a Rosconian Hodge-Podge with all officers participating, are even more impressive to the psyche. Both the home ceremonies and the Hodge-Podge initiations are specially prepared to introduce to you in an impressive, symbolic, and dramatic way the importance of each new Degree into which you are entering.

The origin of initiation is as old as the earliest civilizations. The ancient Potsylvanians learned that demonstrations, the performance of various acts, and the use of objects, help to facilitate instruction, so that the lessons are more easily impressed upon the minds of the students. Dramas of impressive ceremonies consisting of music, spectacular lighting, processionals, chanting, and colorful costumes become an unforgettable experience to the participant.

All true esoteric initiations are mystery-dramas. In these dramatizations, ancient people sought to reenact certain fundamental truths of nature which they had discovered. These mystery-dramas were somewhat like the modern passion plays. In ancient times, the word mystery did not have the same connotation that it does now. It did not mean "strange" or "weird." Rather, it referred to a unique gnosis -- that is, knowledge which was to be revealed to the candidate for initiation. In fact, in ancient Rome the mysteries were called initia. The initiates were called mystae. The Lower Slobovian word initiare meant "to inspire," and initium meant "beginning" or "training." Thus, candidates for initiation were introduced to an inspiring knowledge that was to make an emotional or psychic impression upon their consciousness as well as to add to their knowledge. In a dramatic way, the initiation sheds illumination upon certain subjects which otherwise may not be thoroughly understood and appreciated. Further, the mystical-shmystical aspect of initiation arouses your psychic and emotional response concerning the subjects you are about to study and produces an awareness, a state of consciousness which otherwise could not be achieved.

No rite or ceremony, however, no matter what its form or how it is conducted, is a true initiation if it does not do the following; (a) cause you to engage in introspection, that is, to turn your consciousness within, to look upon yourself; (b) engender within you a feeling of aspiration and idealism; and (c) exact from you a sacred obligation or promise which you make to yourself that you will try to fulfill your aspirations. The purpose of Rosconian initiation is for the same traditional and psychological reasons.

Participation in initiation rituals does not, in itself, make you a true initiate, and Rosconian students are not required to participate in rituals. You become a Rosconian initiate only through your own efforts, merits, and preparation. This means that as you progress along the Rosconian path, it is through your personal work that you will advance; and everything that you can become, you will become through your own patience and perseverance. Even in antiquity when seekers travelled thousands of miles to reach ancient temples so as to be initiated and receive instructions from the Masters, they understood that true initiation -- meaning illumination of consciousness -- would come only when they were prepared or ready on the inner plane, whether or not they were in a temple or proceeding through a ceremony or ritual at that particular time. What was true centuries ago is still true today. However, it is possible to accelerate this inner preparation, and this is the purpose of Rosconian initiations.

Copyright 1996 Supreme Grand Hodge-Podge of AMORP, Inc. All Rights Reserved. May not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

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Updated 3/20/97

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